Dermaplane Facial

Give your skin a serious glow with this popular exfoliation treatment. Our Dermaplane Facial is a safe and highly effective physical exfoliation procedure. It requires the use of a sterile, surgical scalpel to gently “shave” the skin’s surface, removing the top-most layer of dead skin along with fine, vellus hair, also known as peach fuzz.

By removing this top layer of dead, dull skin,  you will notice an immediate and remarkable glow. We aim to remove vellus hair because it often traps excess oil and skin product. The entire procedure is designed to brighten your skin and produce an anti-aging effect.

Not only does our Dermaplane Facial give you an instant glow that can last for weeks, but it also helps skin absorb products more effectively so you can obtain the maximum benefits from your skincare routine. As a bonus, you’ll also notice make-up going on smoother,  giving you a smoother, more natural look.

Request a consultation in San Dimas, California

If you are interested in any of our treatment options, schedule a consultation at The Beautx. Set up your one-on-one consultation by calling 909-305-1888 or by filling out the consultation request form on our site. Get the body shape you’ve always wanted with the beauty experts at The Beautx!